Monday, September 8, 2008

Treading water

...done enough treading, now I need to learn to swim.

Been here almost two months and I've always had an excuse not to move forward. Obviously at the beginning I was getting over the shock of moving to India, learning the area, and trying to find the essentials so I could feed my family on a daily basis. Then it was getting the kids ready for school, issues at the previous apartment, moving to Ozone, now it's unpacking and getting organized.

It's about time I start getting my ducks in a row for what I want to accomplish while I'm here.

What I can do now:
1. Start Charity work
There is an amazing place just a bike ride away. I have had the contact info for two weeks but haven't done anything about it. I'll tell you more about it once I actually make contact.

2. Yoga
Have a contact number for a Yoga Guru who teaches yoga with the spiritual aspects (I'm not looking for a "gym" class)

3. Hindi lessons
I have a contact number for Hindi lessons in addition to my Rosetta Stone kit I have yet to open.

On my list for later on:
1. Ayurvedic Assessment/Massage/Health
I plan to see an Ayurvedic doctor for an assessment. I've heard the doctor asks you 101 questions about yourself and family history, looks at your skin, fingernails, eyes, hair, etc. and then tells you what "type" of person you are and recommend nutritional advice for your specific needs. There are also Ayurvedic massages but again, you need to know your "type".
More on Ayurveda

2. Cooking classes
The Overseas Women's Club has a Cooking Club where women who like to cook get together and prepare a meal together. It's very social and at the end of the session you eat the dish together.
I do NOT enjoy cooking AT ALL (except for entertaining) so I could use the positive influence of being around people who enjoy cooking, I'll learn where to get different ingredients, and I'll meet new people.

I'd also like to take some Indian cooking. We're considering hiring a cook 3 days a week and maybe I'll look for someone who is willing to teach or at least allow me to watch over her shoulder. But I'm sure there are classes out there too.

3. Bollywood Dancing
I've seen postings for Bollywood Dancing around but they seem aimed at older white ladies (huh, is that why I'm interested?? Hahahaha) Anyway, taking Bollywood in a room with a bunch of other expats makes it seem less appealing. Not a big rush on this one.

I'm sure there are other items that just aren't coming to mind at the moment.
I'll keep you posted...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun the cooking with the group but always stand to the back and maybe just do the chopping. Yoga would be great the spiritual aspects. A move can take a lot out of you.

Anonymous said...

What, no sitar lessons on that list? Come on!!! The band needs you.
