Sunday, September 21, 2008

Annika is sick :-(

Annika has been sick since Saturday morning. She crawled in our bed early Saturday complaining of a stomach ache - that developed in to full blown intestinal distress and fever.
Sunday morning she wasn't much better so Erik called a doctor and he came to the house about an hour later. He asked Annika a bunch of questions, which she answered quite maturely, and he gave us some medication and instructions.
She seemed better until about 4:00pm. We were working on her homework and Erik came home and she suddenly got really whiny. I thought it was a ploy to get out of doing homework + getting Dad's attention but then her fever went through the roof. She went down for a nap and slept off and on the rest of the evening.
She slept through the night except for a couple trips to the toilet and slept in this morning until 10:00am. If you know Annika, she is not a napper and she does not sleep in, so her body is working hard.
She is home from school today. She woke up asking if August got to the school bus OK. She's chipper and on the couch watching a movie. Hopefully this afternoon won't be like yesterday.

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