Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Rode my bike in traffic!

I rode my bike to and from the convent today.
It's sensory overload...
Not only are you looking out for potholes (serious potholes) and speedbumps (the word speedbump does not do Indian speedbumps justice), you also have to watch out for:
cars who don't stay in their lanes (what lanes?),
rickshaws (or rather, Rickshaw drivers),
huge trucks,
ox carts,
buses that stop at imaginary bus stops,
other cyclists,
stray dogs,
no cows but cow pies,
all while trying to avoid inhaling huge clouds of black exhaust.
But it was fun. :-)

When I got on my bike to ride home, the sisters crowded around me. They thought my helmet was so unusual (pictured above), they thought my bike was so unusual (an old hand-me-down Trek from Becky Knape), the mountain bike tires were so curious, and best of all, the water bottle cage was pure genius.
...I was quite the attraction for a good 10 minutes.

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