Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bought beef yesterday :-(

Since we moved here I have not ordered beef at a restaurant nor purchased it in a store. I just feel like it's offensive to eat beef. I'm a visitor in this country so I want to respect their ways. Like in a restaurant, maybe the chef cooks beef but what about the waiter, server, dish washer?? I just thought I could do without it for a couple years.

Yesterday I broke down. We had a very casual housewarming party for about 12 people on short notice. I recommended we serve chili and cornbread since we're all in need of some down home American fare.

I had heard there was a store that sold fresh ground beef (I had NEVER seen beef in a market before). I went there with my fingers crossed. I asked for the beef since it was not on display. They showed me a very lean chunk of beef that weighed 3 kilos. I said "I'll take it" and they ground it for me right then and there.

The price? I was shocked... Rps. 130/ a kilo. That's like $3.50 a kilo. I thought grinding up a sacred animal would have some kind of luxury tax attached but I guess not.

They packaged the meat in three packages, I put 2 kilos in the chili and 1 in the freezer.

The evening was great. Gin and Tonics flowed freely (except we ran out of ice rather quickly and as Jenne pointed out, there was no running to the AM/PM for more ice).

AND now that I have a convection oven... I was able to bake cornbread (which I made from scratch thank you very much)! I haven't used an oven since MAY!

It was a very nice evening.

Oh... and to top it off... I rinsed the dishes but MY MAID did all the dishwashing the next morning!

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