Thursday, April 16, 2009

My new favorite drink - Ginger, mint, lemonaid

I was at a juice shop this week (fresh juices are EXTREMELY popular - almost every street corner sells fresh "tender coconut" which is a green coconut that they hack with a machete until it's like a big goblet of fresh coconut water) and ordered a wonderful juice combo.

It was lemon + ginger + mint

Basically a finger of fresh ginger, several sprigs of fresh mint, the juice of two lemons (back home they'd be small limes) were put into a blender with a little water and ice, blended, strained, and poured into a cup. Sugar might have been thrown in too...
Simply wonderful!
Luckily, I drank it right before grocery shopping so I made sure to bring home the ingredients.
Try it! Very refreshing!

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