Wheeeeew. What a day. jam packed, and my feet are plumb tuckered out. Kinda nice to sit for a minute at the computer before heading off for nite nite.
I went for a shortened version of my daily walk with Sayid - from 7:30 to 9:00 - because I had to have time to shower before Magdy picked me up at 9:30 to take me to Shutz for a 10am presentation on Sweden in JP's classroom. I talked and answered questions for 45 minutes and then helped Miss Ji with some of the kids in the computer lab until noon.
Then I met with a British Lady named Frida. She had her driver meet Magdy and me out front of Shutz, and we all drove over to a new neighborhood (new to me) where there is a "women's market"... they sell fabrics, beads, elastic, sewing threads, needles, pins, sequins, tiaras, fake flowers, glittery stuff, basically arts and crafts HEAVEN. The tiny shops are elbow to elbow and the alleyway between them is not even 2 people wide, and it's a maze in there... stalls to the left right and straight ahead, walkways for 3 or 4 blocks in random locations. I didn't feel like we saw everything, but at least I got a good flavor for what's available and Magdy knows where it is so he can take me back there sometime. I'm thinking Halloween costumes!!!! Wow. And the prices were cheap, no bargaining required.
On the next "section" over were the fruit/vegetable/fish open air markets. There were some fruits that looked like artichokes, but are supposed to taste like vanilla custard inside. I wasn't brave enough to buy one. They were, quite frankly, very ugly looking. I found fresh dill, so I bought some, as well as dried yellow peas for Thursday's peasoup, so I don't have to use lentils this week. And! They had fresh beets!!! I've been searching for them since I got here, and they don't carry beets at the western grocery I usually shop at, so I thought I was out of luck.. but now I know the secret :-) I have my juicer machine here with me, and the best juice I've ever ever ever ever had requires 6 carrots, 1 beet, 2 apples and one lime or lemon.... mmmmmmm. now I can make that one again. YEA!
Both kids had after school activities today (first day) so I didn't have to be back from the women's market until 4:30 - a whole extra hour, which was good because the traffic coming home on the Corniche was parking lot speed. Magdy's car did manage to beat Tarek's car home by a few minutes, so I was there to greet the kids. Then we went upstairs and they got computer turns and told me all about their day for 1 hour before staring on homework.
Drew is out with cronies from work tonight, he took the jar of horseradish with him this morning, so I'm betting on a steak restaurant. He still isn't back but I'm sure he's enjoying himself. The kids had a majority vote for oatmeal tonight, so with Drew absent, we all had a non-meat dinner. Very easy. Plus Kaisa LOVES cold oatmeal in the mornings so I make a double batch to be sure of leftovers.
I've washed the dishes, made tomorrow's lunches, put the wet clothes out on the line to dry and now I'm pooped.
Goodnight, sleep tight.