Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Diwali

Happy Diwali Everyone!

This morning we were woken up by firecrackers at 6:45am and they basically didn't stop all day. When evening fell the festivities and crackers ramped up until it felt like a war zone outside.

Here the fireworks you can buy at stands are far crazier than the ones at home, I'm sure they'd all be considered illegal fireworks, even the sparklers are heavy duty. So not only are the fireworks bigger and more dangerous, during Diwali they let the children do the lighting! I wouldn't even let my 5 & 6 yr olds hold the box of matches.

We went to Aayush's for a Diwali party but I knew we wouldn't last long. By 9:00pm both kids had their hands placed firmly over their ears and Annika was in tears. We headed back home which was an adventure in itself - people were lighting crackers all over town and many were throwing them in the streets were traffic was trying to flow. Back at Ozone the fireworks continued well into the night.

We had a nice surprise when we arrived home, someone had drawn a beautiful rangoli on our front walk. :-)

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