Thursday, June 4, 2009

Where's Jennifer?

The saga continues...
Jennifer was let go on Monday and it's like she never left. Some issue has come up every day and now today I find out she ran away and has been gone for two days. It's no surprise to me or Angel because she spoke about running off with her boyfriend. And when she was let go from her PM job she was given a severance so she has money to run on.

The drama is that Jennifer's Auntie is saying Angel knows where Jennifer is or Angel is hiding her. Auntie is threatening to go to the police. Angel doesn't know where Jennifer is but if Auntie has an "in" with the police (which I wouldn't doubt she does) Angel could be up a creek w/out a paddle. Jennifer also ran off with Angel's cell phone.

Other drama from the week?
Jennifer called on Tuesday saying people are saying "bad things" about her because I've said she stole Rps. 10,000/ from me. I told her I don't know where that came from but I did tell a couple people that she asked for Rps. 10,000/ when I dismissed her. So I reiterated that that's the truth, she asked for the money and I included it my story when people asked me what happened.

Jennifer and Sheela came by Wednesday afternoon to get the rest of Jennifer's belongings (she had a bag in our storage area) and to get a reference letter from me. Luckily I had been thinking about what I would write so I was able to churn one out pretty quickly. I said we enjoyed having Jennifer in our home, that she was honest (maybe a white lie here and there but nothing stolen), and she often sat with our kids and the kids loved her and we trusted her with then. (Do you hear a "but" coming up??) But Jennifer's youthful vigor can also lead to distraction and she needs an environment with plenty of guidance and follow-up. I included my phone number on the letter, I'm curious to see if I hear from someone.

On my last post about Jennifer I mentioned something about how she needs to start fresh somewhere else away from Auntie, so I'm not as concerned about her running away. If she stays with Auntie she'll be married off to someone of Auntie's choosing and be a new income generator for her new mother-in-law - just like Sheela.

Of course I'm HUGELY naive as to the social workings of village life in India. This could be a horrible mistake on her part but I'm rooting for her and hope she can have a new beginning. (But something in my gut tells me she'll be back.)

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