Sunday, May 3, 2009


It is SO NICE to see her smiling face!

I got to hear more about her ordeal. Of course the whole "ghost" thing wasn't brought up but she said she saw 4 doctors over the past 2.5 weeks and all of them said she's throwing up blood because:
1) she's not eating nicely "Why are you not eating nicely?" (Ummm, she's THROWING UP BLOOD!!!)
2) she's thinking bad thoughts that's causing her to be stressed, the doctors asked her if she's been scolded lately or having trouble with a boy

Today I'm taking her to my doctor.
I showed her Google Images of stomach ulcers and how the sore in the stomach can lead to blood in the stomach

Jennifer said she was throwing up blood on the bus to Chennai last week and so people would give her chocolate. CHOCOLATE?? She said she was told to eat it but would just throw up once it got in her stomach. Chocolate?

We passed the open air buses that go back and forth from Bangalore to Chennai this past weekend. People are packed like sardines. No glass on the windows so it's hot air blowing through the whole way. It was probably 100'+ and smelled like a bunch of sweaty people packed tightly together. Uhhhh....

Angel just arrived so we're talking with Jennifer again.
I'm so angry!!
Again they're saying the 4 doctors Jennifer saw while she was sick were blaming her condition on not eating nicely and thinking too much. SOOOO CRAZY!

I just told her that my gardener's wife, who probably weighs 80 lbs. soaking wet, fasted for 10 days, only drinking water and she didn't vomit blood. The food is NOT the issue. The illness is the reason she wasn't eating nicely. I said if she went and drank river water that might make her throw up blood but the rest is ridiculous!

Jennifer also said she fainted in one doctor's office and so the doctor starting examining her for pregnancy. Jennifer said it was shameful to be "accused" of that in front of her family. I suppose vomiting and fainting could symptoms of pregnancy but not vomiting blood.

So Jennifer is going to go home to her house at night for the next two weeks then she'll be day & night again.

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