I have a horrible, HORRIBLE habit that I really need to break. I made this faux paux at Jennifer's house the first time I met her Auntie and I did it again with Angel's mother...
...when I arrived at the "house", I pet the dog(s) first. Even in the US it would be a bit of an insult to get all into the family dog before you greeted the people who invited you to the home, but in India, where dogs are literally treated like dogs, it's even more of an insult. But I couldn't help it. I have dog withdrawl and Angel's house has 3, 5-month old puppies who were born in the lot next to the house so they hang out with the family. They were so cute I couldn't help but get involved with them.
Darling kids with darling puppies
Angel's Mom with one of Angel's sisters and a newphew
It was raining that afternoon so we hung out under the eve of the house. They invited us in but the place was so small that it was too cramped and uncomfortable, so we decided to get wet outside.
One of Angel's sister's sons who is deaf and mute. They don't have the money to find out what the problem is or if it can be cured.
Angel's house is the last door on the left. Gopi, wearing a white shirt, is standing in front of the opening. It's two rooms and one room is shared with a make-shift kitchen. I didn't feel like I could take a photo.
This lady took Annika's arm and started leading her around. She was not a family member and I'm not sure what her objective was.
I knew the puppies would be there, so I picked up some raw hide chews before we went (along with provisions for the family). When trying to give the chews to the puppies they would cower away because most dogs are beaten with sticks and here I'm trying to present them with one. They could obviously smell the chews and were curious but the resemblance to sticks were too much. Hopefully they gave them a try once the crowd died down.
These neighbors from across the street invited us over so we could meet their dog. They went into their "apartment" to get the dog. We waited and waited. They told me it's a big dog. I got very excited. Then they brought out a large smelly mutt with a terrible case of mange. Not what I was expecting. Luckily it was not very friendly so we were able to excuse ourselves rapidly without petting it.
Annika and August each had a large bag of candy to hand out to Angel's family and any other child they saw during our visit. This lady asked if adults could have some candy too.
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