Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Both my maid and cook are Christian but neither one will touch pork. That's fine, we don't have it that often. But on Monday I found a BEAUTIFUL bunch of thin, fresh asparagus and I though pork chops would go well with them so I picked some up. My cook doesn't come on Tuesdays so I made them last night. As I was trimming the fat Jennifer came into the kitchen and said "What is this M'dam?" So I said "pork chops." She said "Oooohhhh" and walked away.

I fried up a couple chops for the kids' dinner. They gobbled them up and then went to play with Jennifer. Jennifer jumped back as the kids tried to touch her. I could tell it was pork related because this is not her usual behavior. I told the kids to back off and go wash their hands. As they were doing this Jennifer showed me that she was wearing her Rosary around her neck. She said she was doing this because pork was being cooked in the house and she can't help but inhale the smell so she put on her Rosary.

When Erik got home I fried up the rest of the chops. We enjoyed them, then I washed all the pork-related pans, utensils and dishes.

Another instance was when Angel was going to make quiche. She comes Mon, Weds., Friday and we talk about what she's going to make the session before so I can have the ingredients on hand. She talked about making quiche and got out a recipe and didn't know what "bacon" was. I told her it was pork. But I also told her Erik would LOVE the quiche if bacon was included. She said she couldn't cook pork. So I said I would cook the bacon and have it all crumbled on a dish so she only has to add it as an ingredient. She said OK.
The next time she was at the house she got out all the quiche ingredients and I got out the bowl with the crumbled bacon. She walked away for a moment, made a phone call, came back and said she couldn't put the bacon in the quiche. She had called her Pastor for advice and he told her she couldn't have anything to do with pork. So I said what if I add the bacon to the quiche and she'll never have to touch it, she said no, she couldn't do it.
So I crumbled it on top after she left. :-)

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