Friday, May 14, 2010


Mmmmm, street snacks!!

This man is curling up recycled paper into cones for his roadside snack.

Puffed rice and roasted peanuts

Peanuts in the shell and some mints

Sugar Candy hahaha, is there any other kind? The side says cotton candy, glad it wasn't operational when the kids came by.

Fresh sugarcane juice - oh, so delicious but not very hygenic. They press the sugarcane into the machine with a fresh lime or ginger tucked in between, so good but I only get it from trusted sources.

These guys were hanging with the sugarcane juice man. They asked me to take their photo then show it to them. It sent them into hysterics.

Papaya, watermelon and assorted drinks - all warm. Yum.

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