Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ganesha's Birthday!

We had so much fun, hard to capture in a few picutres and captions, but you'll get the drift...

Kids each got to pick a statue of their own. Annika fell in love with hers and decided to keep it forever and ever. August liked the idea of throwing his in the lake at the end of the day. Annika's cost Rps. 15/ and Aug's cost Rps. 10/.

There were roadside stands of colorful statues everywhere.

Almost every neighborhood had their own display, some had them every block.

A HUGE amount of pride goes into the Ganesha shrines. These folks saw we were taking pictures and moved out of the way so we could get a better shot.

These boys came walking down the street beating their drum and spreading good cheer.

What happens if you leave a clay Ganesha out in Monsoon rain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So amazing and you all look beautiful. Your kids are growing so fast!!!
Hugs, Anna