Monday, December 7, 2009

Sushi Party!

My neighbor, Shino, invited some friends over for a sushi making party. She had recently been in Japan and brought back bamboo mats, nori and wasabi. Apparently you can get most ingredients here too so I can make sushi at home for the family.

Excited and ready to go...

Konako did the demonstration

It was beautiful, you could tell she is a pro.

My first attempt... pretty happy with it. I used a canned tuna mixture because no one here would trust the raw fish + cucumber and avocado.

Toni ate her 1st attempt so no one would have to look at it. But she made a beautiful 2nd roll to take home for her kids.

An assortment of rolls made by the ladies.

We also learned real teriyaki chicken... Mmmm...
We all had a fabulous lunch and an excellent afternoon, THANKS SHINO!

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