Wednesday, September 23, 2009

R.I.P. Sheela

Sheela died today.
Her doctor gave her an injection to end her life 15 days after her in-law family assisted her with a suicide she didn't want.
She was a beautiful girl who never had a chance. Sheela's mother was killed when Sheela was a young child, she and Jennifer were raised by an Auntie who was cruel to them and basically used them to bring money into her home. Later Sheela fell in love with a boy and ran away with him - the family found her, brought her home, forced her to get rid of a baby she had conceived, then they arranged for a marriage to a man she didn't like.
In this terrible economy Sheila found it difficult to find work - this was not OK with her in-laws and they withheld food and mistreated her (to put it kindly). And when their frustration was too much they'd call Sheela's Auntie and she'd come over and mistreat her too.
I guess it all got to be too much and her new husband and his family wanted to erase their mistake and move on...

Sheela and Jennifer

Pre-wedding turmeric ritual - she was completely withdrawn through the whole ritual except for a few waves of sorrow, you could see how much she didn't want this wedding

February 8, 2009

I can only hope she's in a better place. Rest in peace.

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